Saturday, 14 April 2012

Flowers (Part 1)

As I've already mentioned, it takes my breath away when I think about how talented my friends are, including Gemma who is just the most talented florist I've come across! I realised that I should fully exploit our friendship (ahem), and get all her wonderful knowledge about flowers and share it with you guys.

So when I see her tonight, I'm going to find out her top tips for buying fresh flowers (how to make them last, best value for money etc) and hopefully in future I'll add some simple tutorials.

But to start, I wanted to add my tip for flowers which is: squeeze the most out of your bunch!

This is a gorgeous bunch I got from Gemma but I noticed after a couple of weeks a few flowers were past their best, so rather than just chuck them as I would have done in the past, I separated them into two bunches:

Once a few more start to fade, I'll separate them even further down to just a couple of stems in a single stem vase/ jam jar with a ribbon round etc.

This tip also works when you can't afford a bunch but want the pleasure of fresh flowers; pick just one or two stems (I'll be checking with Gemma which last the longest), though I know from my own experience that the Lucky Bamboo on my dresser has been going strong for over a year and cost £1.50!) and pop them in a smaller vase.

Happy Saturday everyone and pop by tomorrow for tips on flowers from a real pro (and also a wonderful friend).x


  1. They are really beautiful flowers!

    Lucy x

  2. how pretty, I like the 3rd one better!! =)

  3. i love pink roses with green, gorgeous

  4. Great tip. I always let my plants die,., not on purpose.. I just find it hard to keep them alive


