Yes, it's a less than an hour before midnight but hey, at least it's still Sunday! This weekend was lovely but was also a 'blink and you'll miss it' kind of weekend- where did it go?
Saturday morning I was up with the larks and out for a cheapo haircut- we're trying to save cash at the mo so I had to refrain from my normal £100 cut and colour to the £9 local salon dry trim. The fringe is a touch severe but hey ho, it'll grow in! After that, it was off to the local garden centre where we bought Gizzy the king of all dog beds! This Joules number should be £70 but it was 25% off, plus we had £17 worth of points from their loyalty card so overall it was quite a bargain (although Steve is still horrified I paid £35 for a dog bed- I'm arguing it's better quality and will last three times as long).
I'm not going to lie, there are points over the weekend where I've debated climbing on it myself! The design is so cute, I wonder if he'll dream of chasing after pheasants on his three legs!
The rest of the day was spent doing (oh the thrill) housework, but I didn't mind too much as we had a lovely treat in store later- I cooked a tasty Jamie Oliver Thai curry and then Steve, his parents and I went to see an opera as I got cheap tickets through work (£6 each!), it was a beautiful evening.
{Making vampire fangs out of Wine Gums during the interval- don't say I'm not a classy gal!}
This was the first opera I'd been to where they had subtitles- it made such a difference. It was 'Madame Butterfly' and the women in particular were astounding. We've loads more theatre this month which is handy as there isn't any TV (PS- Steve and Ben resisted the football!)
Today we had friends over which was lovely, the children played beautifully and it was just very relaxed. Later, we visited Great Grandma, did some more housework, did some marking and finally, I wrote out my party invitations! I really need to get a shift on with organising bits for my 30th!
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend! If only they lasted forever!